Update // Build Log -4

Quick Update
Hi, y'all! As you can see, I've moved platforms and consolidated my "online presence" into this blog. It's mad old school, but I actually spent a lot of time thinking about the best way to organize my digital self and landed on this ancient technology.
Here are some quick hits on where I've been and what I've been up to:
- Went to Europe for two weeks and hit up Lisbon, Barcelona, London, and Paris and had a magical time. You can read up on my favorite bars here and my experience seeing god through architecture here.

- I've been on a bulk and have been focused on increasing strength and size. Slowly coming along.

- I started working on a new idea called PresentSelf AI, a self-reflection and breathwork app. It's been really fun to get into the deep end of iOS development (I know nothing) and an amazing journey into immersive work.
- I've been practicing this idea of presence, which has been incredibly powerful. I've revamped much of my work/thinking/content to revolve around it.
- We re-did our finances and budgeting and it's really changed my life in a good way. Knowing where every dollar is coming from and going and having a solid plan for different savings and investment goals is really cool.
Now, back to the regularly scheduled programming:
[Emotional State]
Coding is extremely frustrating. One thing works, and then another fails. Working through frustration is difficult for me. I feel a bit embarrassed and childish admitting that, but it's real. I'm grateful that I've been able to push through despite the frustration.
I'm still really bought into the power of this app and this idea of presence. I think we're collectively realizing that things will only continue to become more chaotic. There's no "returning" to normal (whatever that means), and because of this, I am sensing people are searching for ways to cope or, even better, evolve. Practicing presence is one way to evolve.
[Technical State]
I'm stuck in the firebase portion of the build right now. For some reason, it's been impossible for me to actually get this to work (which is a fucking huge part of the app if I want users, lol).
I can't get past the keychain permissions, no matter how many times I try. It's driving me fucking crazy.
If you're an iOS pro... please help.

[Growth State]
I started recording TikTok. None have taken off (yet). Is this like my sixth pass at TikTok content? At least this time, I know it takes time and a lot of experimentation to figure out a format that works.
I've also been sharing on Twitter. Nothing has really come of that other than it's been good to just brain-dump live there. It's more like a live-log of how I'm doing.